Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which blood clots form in one or more of the deep veins of the body. The most commonly affected deep veins are those in the legs. Besides leg veins, the disease can also affect veins in the pelvis. It is a very serious condition and can be […]
Cardiovascular System
Stasis Dermatitis – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Stasis dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disease that occurs on the lower legs. It is a chronic and recurring condition that causes swelling, inflammation, itchy skin, and ulcers on the lower legs. It often occurs in people who have underlying conditions that affect blood flow in the legs, such as chronic venous insufficiency, varicose […]
Pulse Oximetry – Indications, Procedure and Limitations
Pulse oximetry is a test that is used to measure the oxygen saturation level or the oxygen level in the blood. In other words, it tells whether the heart and the lungs are supplying enough oxygen to meet the body’s requirements. It is a quick, non-invasive, and painless procedure. They are called pulse oximeters since […]
Lipid Profile Test
Lipid profile test or lipid panel or cholesterol test is a panel of blood tests that are used to detect abnormal levels of various types of lipids present in the body. It is performed to check for any risk of coronary heart disease especially in the presence of risk factors such as sedentary lifestyle, consumption […]
Conduction System of Heart
The conduction system of the heart or cardiac conduction system is a collection of nodes and specialized conduction cells that are responsible for the initiation of the normal heart cycle and coordinate the contractions of cardiac chambers. Conduction system of heart consists of the following Sinoatrial node Atrioventricular node Atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His) Purkinje […]
Lymph Node Structure and Function
The lymph node is small, oval bean-shaped structure of lymphatic system formed of lymphoid tissue enclosed in a connective tissue capsule. These occur in association with the lymphatic vessels and serve as filters for the blood. They are typically found concentrated near junctions of the major lymphatic vessels, most prominently in the neck, groin, and […]
Subclavian Steal Syndrome Presentation and Treatment
Subclavian steal syndrome is said to be present when the blood flow in vertebral artery reverses due to significant stenosis or occlusion of the ipsilateral subclavian artery just before the origin of the vertebral artery. As a number of these cases are asymptomatic, the term Subclavian steal syndrome is used when there is a presence […]
Postpericardiotomy Syndrome – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Postpericardiotomy syndrome (PPS) occurs in a subgroup of patients who have undergone cardiothoracic surgery and is characterized by fever, pleuritic pain, pleural effusion, and pericardial effusion. It occurs due to immune-mediated inflammation of the pleura and pericardium. Postpericardiotomy syndrome after is known to occur following myocardial infarction too and it is called Dressler syndrome. Both fall […]
Dressler Syndrome Presentation and Treatment
Dressler syndrome is a delayed immune-mediated or secondary pericarditis developing weeks to months after a myocardial infarction characterized by pleuritic chest pain, low-grade fever, and pericarditis. It is also called post-myocardial infarction syndrome. Earlier the syndrome was quite common but the incidence has decreased owing to better reperfusion. This syndrome is now considered under the group postpericardiotomy syndrome which is […]
Heart Rate (Pulse) – Measurement and Significance
Heart rate is the number of times that our heart contracts or beats in a minute. The main function of the heart is to maintain adequate blood supply [Heart sends oxygenated blood to the body so that tissues could extract the oxygen for their use]. Therefore the rate varies according to the demands of the […]