Hurler Syndrome is a type of mucopolysaccharidosis. Hurler syndrome is also called Gargoylism or Mucopolysaccharidosis I-H. This condition was first described by Hurler. It was given name of Gargoylism by Ellis, Shelton and Capon since the condition is characterized by dwarfism with a heavy ugly facial appearance, corneal 0pacities, mental deficiency and enlargement of the […]
Child Health
Diamond Blackfan Anemia or Diamond Blackfan Syndrome
What is Diamond Blackfan Anemia? Diamond Blackfan anemia is a rare blood disorder in which the affected child cannot make enough red blood cells leading to congenital hypoplastic anemia. Leucocyte and platelet counts are normal or slightly reduced. It is a congenital type of pure red cell aplasia. Read more about Pure Red Cell Aplasia- […]
Anemia of Prematurity
What is Anemia of Prematurity? All newborn infants manifest a decrease in hemoglobin. In the uterus, the tissue is in a relatively hypoxic state whereas after birth there is a relatively hyperoxic state. This leads to an increased oxygen concentration in the tissue which leads to a decrease in erythropoietin concentration. In the term infant, […]
Anemia of Newborn
Anemia is a disorder in which red blood cells are decreased in the blood. Read more about Anemia-Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment For newborns of age 0-28 days [new born should have completed at least 34 weeks of intrauterine life], anemia is defined if the hemoglobin values are as follow: Central venous hemoglobin < 13 g/dL […]
Breast Milk Jaundice Presentation and Treatment
Breast milk jaundice is a type of neonatal jaundice associated with breastfeeding and characterized by an increase in levels of indirect bilirubin in a newborn on breastfeeding. It develops in the first week of life and persists longer than physiologic jaundice, and has no other identifiable cause. Breast milk jaundice is different from breastfeeding jaundice, […]